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Monday, September 5, 2011

About darned time

As our new Chief Justice has shown, men believe they have certain rights, and other men stand by them, nudge wink.

Well, they don't, not all of them. Consensual sex is one thing. Hurting a child, another man, or especially a child, entirely another. For fuck's sake, what gives you the right to touch anyone else?

Only two children in Soweto out of three enter puberty as virgins. For obvious reasons. And our system embraces a Chief Justice who reduced a sentence on the basis that a 12-year-old got Zimba (sic) chips!

Statutory rape is statutory rape.

There is justice, and there is justice. But there is never justice when anyone abuses another human being and gets away with it.

Especially a woman or child. No statute of limitations here, or "I did not apply my mind".

We draw a line in the sand on issues. One of them is the violation of other people's rights. And the man who determines our future judiciary policy reduces a sentence because a woman was not seriously hurt when dragged behind a car, and provoked her man to the assault.

Someone touches my toddler, they die.

See report below

Ireland stepped up its battle with the Roman Catholic Church over child abuse Sunday, with Justice Minister Alan Shatter vowing to pass a law requiring priests to report suspicions of child abuse, even if they learn about them in confession.

The Catholic Church regards information learned in confession as completely confidential. But under the law proposed by Shatter, priests could be prosecuted for failing to tell the police about crimes disclosed in the confession box.

1 comment:

  1. do you think it is still ok to tell my priest about the 'pot' hehehe

    I have always thought the rule of the confession box to be ludicrous! It offers salvation and forgiveness for the perpetrator - even psychological advantages by 'sharing' their troubled souls - what about the victims! I agree Frank - you said it - ABOUT DARNED TIME!
